Through the years, on Instagram, I made a few photo series. It was an avenue to post old photos I took which I have not featured online yet (at that time I haven’t discovered Unsplash yet). The first one was in 2019 and it was on flowers and it was titled #SpringSeries.

The next one came when the pandemic struck in 2020 and we were all in lockdown and aptly named #OutsideSeries.

Again, I only posted old photos that were taken outdoors, during the time where we never imagined that we would be cooped inside for months on end. Both were short-lived as I got busy pursuing my degree, as I always do with my hobbies. In 2021, I did not have a photo series because life that year was really tough. I did develop a pattern for my feed, though. I also began taking mirror selfies which was mainly brought about by me finding confidence and self-esteem, along with the boredom of being alone in the lab most days. Aside from this, my stories and feed were also filled with my eco-friendly purchases bought from local shops. In 2022, thinking that this was my last year working in the lab for my thesis, I made another series titled #LabLifeSeries.

It’s a monthly series filled with how life and my work in the lab had been in the past month, and my mirror selfies which I vowed to take every day I go to the lab. Since it is on-going (because I am still not done with my lab work today), I’ll just share some of it here.

I just might post individual photos here as a daily post since I do not have a feed to maintain, and in essence, to catch up. Going back to this blog feels like talking to an old friend I have not spoken to in a long time.